Hide and Seek

Sunday, December 22, 2013


JULIA MARIE | a special one.

1 T I M O T H Y 4:12 

Let no one look down on your youthfulness, 
but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, 
show yourself an example of those who believe.


I cannot tell you how many times I have been left standing in straight awe of her. 
Not only does she know how to have a good time, let me tell ya she does, but when she speaks there comes an outpour of wisdom and truth that most people are not lucky enough to understand or boldly proclaim at an old age let alone at age fifteen. Yet ever since she was a youngling these truths dwelled in her being and continue to do so. 
Yes, I look up to my little sister. 
She is a beautifully woven individual and it has been the utmost blessings to see the way she has blossomed into this young lady who leaves people awestruck. Julia is wholeheartedly dedicated to her Savior, Jesus Christ, and it is evident to all that know her - her faith and love for Him is one of great passion and fervor. 

I have the privilege of watching my Julia grow up from afar, though it is not easy being far away from her for long periods of time, I am able to see things only visible to a far off eye - I see the growth. I see where she is, how she got there, and where she is going. I am so excited for her life to continue to unfold before our eyes. What a blessing this girl is - I adore her with my all.  

Thank you for deeply blessing me with fifteen years of your sweet life. 

I love you, my nugget. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

my voice you shall hear

P S A L M S  5:3 

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; 
In the morning I will direct it to You, 
And I will look up 

When was the last time you read Scripture aloud? 
This is something I am so passionate about and I encourage you all to give it a try. 
Start out in Psalms, let the words ring in your ears and as you speak them let them become your words and your praise. I believe that God's Word is alive and active - let us not limit it to words on a page but let us proclaim and adopt His Word as our own. It will enrich our souls and will crush the lies of the enemy that too often ring in our ears. 

photo credit: highonflowers.tumblr.com

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

you will find rest.

Pain & sorrow is a very very real thing.
That reality should never go unnoticed.
For some, these pains & aches are all they know.
For some, these are new wounds
and for others, sorrows are quickly approaching on the horizon.

I've seen so many suffering brothers and sisters. I've sat with them, I've listened to their stories of tragedy and it pains my soul. It is a discomforting reality to experience for oneself and especially to watch someone experiencing it.

I've experienced it & you've experienced it too.
To us all, we are being called:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." | Matthew 11:28-29 

The Almighty God who reigns over all things, is beckoning you to come. Listen, go to Jesus as you are - whatever that is at the moment. He wants you to simply show up and lay all your brokenness, all your burdens, all your anxiousness, and all your mess at his feet. Jesus desires to come alongside you and bear your heaviness and deep sufferings with you. And we are promised to find rest with him.

His gaze is upon you and it will not leave. His love is fixated on you and He is patiently waiting to win your heart and heal your wounds. 

hope & prayers sent to you. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

risky business

Then the time came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom | Anais Nin 

Is this not so beautifully and accurately articulated?!
Something stirred within my being as I read this through and through - My heart moved me to respond. 
There is something so very real about this – risk.

It takes RISK in both remaining stagnant and RISK in causing movement.
Risk is risky – there’s not much else to it. One must choose which risk is most worth it.

God risked his only Son, Jesus. This was a risky move on God’s part, however He knew that it was for the betterment of all mankind – it was a risk worthy of taking. Not risking His Son would be a risk as well. He knew that this would cause more pain and more devastation than it would do well for all whom He loves and created. And so, He chose the Greater Risk.

We must follow suit. 
One | weigh the risks
Two | RISK
Three | watch beauty blossom

Everything beautiful requires risk. It takes risk to love someone. It takes risk to follow Jesus. It takes risk to speak in front of people. It takes risk to get out of bed everyday. It takes risk to speak truth. 

There is beauty in risk and “every experience of beauty points to eternity” | Hans Urs von Balthasar

It is my prayer that we risk more but not merely for the sake of risking; instead, may we risk on behalf of the greater good, for the greater purpose. May we not risk in vain but with great consideration and with purpose. And may we always risk with love written on our hearts, always remembering the Great Risk that God made because of His love for us all.

| no relevance whatsoever just a whole lot of cute | 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

| c o n t e n t m e n t |

This year is a strange one - not in a bad way, just in a unique way. 

Each day he is teaching me & sometimes most times I fail but I am learning that what God cares about the most is that we are willing to follow him and to learn from him even if we do fail. He loves us still. 
His love is steadfast for us - unchanging and unwavering. 

This summer, God revealed to me so much about myself and what it means to have a steadfast heart for Christ. I am learning what it means to give up ALL control and when I say "all" i mean ALL. It's kind of crazy how God works sometimes, I am still unsure as to what he is doing in my life but i see that it is good. 

| be okay with the stillness because it possesses much beauty |

Friday, August 9, 2013

natalie summer jasmine

natalie summer jasmine alvarez
{thats right TWO middle names}

a girl with whit & lots of it, let me tell ya. goodness.

she is quite an extraordinary young woman.

she's beautifuly unique in the way she views people and this world.

judgement is not in her vocabulary -- she sees people not for what they seem to be but for who they are. & that right there is a divine gift from God. She loves people with such passion and vigor and somehow makes each person feel like a prized possession and she does this with such ease. simply because that is how God created her innately.

So what will you find natalie summer jasmine alvarez doing on the day to day?

l a u g h i n g at something or other.

when you get her and I together, you best believe you will see us literally gasping for air between the heavy duty laughter that occurs and banging our fists on the wall, table, or carpet in need to physically express our happiness. gosh, i laugh just thinking of what we might look like to the outside world when this happens on the daily.

shes just a fun, happy-go-lucky lady.

If you are so lucky to come across this gem, you just hit the JACKPOT because you just inherited a loyal friend for life. I am SO blessed to have her as my big sis. Her love for God is deeply contagious and her joy in Jesus is rich.

Like a fine wine, she just gets better with age. {i've always wanted to use that one day}

happy 24th, woman! 

{just your casual face swap} 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

you shall seek, you shall find me

In life we are constantly seeking.
In whatever we do, we do it all to be found and to be known.
And sometimes most times what we seek, we do not find.
This is a discouraging time because we have been designed to be known and to be understood.
We are made to know our Maker.
This Maker of our being tells us:
"He loves those who love Him, and those who seek Him find Him" (Proverbs 8:17)
no doubt about it.
If you seek, you will surely find.
Not only will you find but you will be known by the One who so purposefully wove you together.
By the one who has plans for you.
But not just any ole plan, BIGGER than LIFE itself plans.
Grand plans and purposes for your life that are unique to your specific passions and gifts.
Plans that can & will change the world if you allow God to do so with your life.

Do you believe that God can CHANGE THE WORLD using YOU?!

It is so easy to view God through this world's lens - limiting Him to human capabilities.

I have f a i t h  that my life is going to help change the world through the glorious workings of Jesus Christ through the willingness of a vessel such as myself.

do you truly believe

believe & be amazed. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

r e l e a s e.

I always seem to expect my life to be one way and because I sometimes put so much hope into those expectations, I am left feeling unsatisfied. It is not until I continue to yield my focus upon God and set my gaze on Him alone, that I am never left disappointed or unsatisfied. Instead, I am always left pleasantly surprised and peaceful. As soon as I loosen my sturdy grip on my plans and the way I see how life should be, I am less stressed and discontent and I start to feel like I am living in the full capacity I was made to live in. To cast my burdens on Christ is the only way I can live fully and freely. It is because of Jesus' love that I am hopeful. I pray that we can be reminded daily of this. I pray this for all of you - to feel Christ love and to live in His hope abundantly. In Him I find my joy through happy times and through painful times. Our Father's plans are beyond our wildest dreams. We get hints of His extraordinary plans by those passions God uniquely weaved into each of our being. Oh, what God will do with one willing heart and soul.

"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth
 to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." 
2 Chronicles 16:9 

IMAGINE what God would do with your complete willingness to hand over your plans, to hand over your life, and your control, and offer it into the Mighty Hands of God.

wow. that would be a moment of impact; a moment of no regret.

May God fill your being with Wonder.

this beauty is my dear dear friend emily
 (one of those rare timeless friends)
she is someone who displays this kind of life
she goes where God is calling her
she lives with no regrets because she is following Him wholeheartedly. 
it was also her 20th birthday this week and I praise the good Lord for blessing the world with her. 
love you, ems. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

a pursuit.

I serve a God who does not give up on vessels of my kind easily, He pursues in the most loving and tender way. He knocks at the guarded doors of my heart, he sings a song of love and pursuit that softens the coldest of hearts, and he whispers sweet words to my inner most being. The Love of Jesus blows me away. Who am I to receive such a perfect love? I can tell you, I am a Child of God who has been given beautiful mercy and grace by an awe-inspiring Father.

I opened his word today. Now, I have surely opened the Word of God many times this summer but today was different because I truly opened His Word in expectation and with a thirsty soul waiting to be poured into. And let me tell ya, from Him came an OUTPOUR of everything my heart and soul could ever desire AND some.

I want to encourage you. Jesus is the definition of patient. He loves you with all He is and He is pursuing y o u. Just listen to that whisper in your heart that won’t go away. Today, ask Jesus to open your ears and heart to His voice. Come to him in expectation for something wonderful and He will surely surpass that expectation, all in His good and perfect timing.

Love you, friends.  

"Before I was born the Lord called me, 
from my birth he has made mention of my name. 
He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, 
in the shadow of his hand he hid me; 
he made me into a polished arrow 
and concealed me in his quiver." 
| Isaiah 49:1-2 |

Sunday, July 7, 2013

a choice.

y o u 
 c h o i c e. 

every single morning, before your feet even touch the ground, you decide what kind of attitude you will approach the day with. Now, it is often not something you think 0.1 seconds on but you do take at least .0001 second thinking about it. That one decision holds great power.

We have all had those days where we mentally prepare ourselves in the morning and try to convince ourselves that today is going to be a good day, by repeating that phrase either thoughtfully or verbally to ourselves and to others, but then as the day's events reveal themselves, our mood starts swaying in the totally opposite direction and all of a sudden it's the WORST day of your life (cue in the violin quartets, right?!). lets be honest, humans L O V E to have pity parties, the more the merrier. and what that does is a whole lot of NOTHIN'.

instead of dwelling on the unfortunate turn of events that can ruin your day and days to come, set your eyes on something greater. Take the magnifying glass out of your hand and see the bigger picture of your life. Don't get stuck in the nasties of the day - there will always be little daily nasties.

don't let life getcha down, people.

how to turn that frown upside down.

1. listen to your favorite 'feel good' song - the one that gives you goosebumps, the one that makes you dance like a crazy fool.
2. talk to Jesus - lay your anxieties at the feet of the Lord // he knows how to handle them better than we could imagine & he is never burdened by our burdens.
3. hang out with a friend even just for just a quick coffee date.
4. exercise // just do it, endorphins are our friends.
5. h u g s.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

apple & co.

It all began when I showed my friend my pinterest and we both laid eyes on this amazing apple cup
(this was all over skype, mind you). It was that night that we decided we were gonna have an "all things apple" night. That was TWO years ago and last night we finally saw it into fruition (don't you love my puns?! I know.) We told our other two friends & they wanted in so we all gathered at my home & boom shockalocka.....it happened. 

Since this night was a long time coming, I thought I should make it special - and that it was. 
There is absolutely nothing like having the friends you love so much gathered together over some good eats & conversation. This summer, create environments where moments & memories can flourish. 

apple & co.  

there is ice cream in the apple, heavenly - i tell ya!!

& then we went to see man of steel - holy smokes, go see it.
love them very much. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

¡ el dia de padre !


mi padre es muy importante a mi. 

He is more than important - he is everything, & when i say that I mean it. 
It's kinda like a real nice lookin' bike (he LOVES bikes). Any bike, nonetheless a nice lookin' one, could never be ridden unless it had the bolts & screws all in place & the chain nicely oiled and clean, the tires pumped, and the seat fastened. These things are important for the experience of riding a bike - without securing the bike with these things, it would just be pretty shiny metal. Trust me, my dad makes sure all these things are in place when we take our family bike rides, but that's not my point. you see, my dad embodies the absolute importance of those bolts and screws. Just like the bolts of a bike, the importance of him too often go unrecognized. but not today. Today, his importance to our family and to my life will be highlighted and called out for all to know and see. My dad's presence alone brings about security, strength, love, and gentleness all at once. He is SUCH a humble man, probably the most humble person I've known. He doesn't know this, but while I am away at school and now that I am home with the family, I find myself thinking of him, and how great of a dad I have been blessed with. what a man I have for a father. 

here are some fun little tid-bits about mi padre, Guillermo Alvarez. 

born in Mexico (arrrriba!) 
always seems to find beauty in everything
completely happy with some good ole beans, rice, and tortillas. 
number ONE track runner in his high school & college days (a stallion) 
called the black mexican by his teammates because of his talent on the track.
tough enough to have handled the hood of East LA growing up.  
if its music, he'll listen to it
a man so wise, he could fill books with his knowledge & bright ideas. 
completely supportive and loving to my beautiful mother in all she does. 
capable of some great giggles // ho ho ho ho. 
wonderful perspective on all things.
the only person that could keep me calm before those big moments: drivers test, wisdom teeth, teeth                 pulling, etc. (a lot of teeth moments in my life - good stories)
patientest {is that a word?} man alive. 
allowed me to do this (see below) & yes I'm aware I looked like Mowgli from Jungle Book & had one heck of a breakfast. #bellehbelleh

love this man so much. 

thank you for displaying Christ's love to us. 


Like I said above, mi padre has great knowledge but he never writes it down to remember it.
which is a problem of gargantuan proportions 
therefore, may i present my gift to him & how i made it. 

step one:
 buy a handsome journal (real manly looking) 
this one is italian leather (splurge a bit folks) 

step two: 
get printing press letters // sold at antique shops
get your hands on a hammer. 

step three: 
line up what you want to spell
Front // Guillermo 
Back //  Alvarez 

step four: 
h a m m e r     away. 

step five: 
lo & behold a wonderfully thoughtful gift 

happy fathers' day padres of the world! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

summah time.

I've been out & about all over southern california this summer, eating, shopping, meandering, drinking (coffee that is), and my all time favorite - PEOPLE WATCHING. 

Now {southern} california is the place to be for summer, especially if you are looking for some laid-back yet trendy stylings. here are some looks that I have seen based on the settings I have been. enjoy, ladies & gents. 

 good ole long boarding - jeans, always casual 

watch, light sweater, neutral colors, jeans
 (coffee shop// shopping)
blazer, boyfriend jeans, layered look, nutmeg oxfords {LOVE}
(shopping // lunch meeting attire) 

these bohemian pants, you either love them or hate them {i choose to love) but please wear some sort of wedge short gals to elongate the legs puhlease. seen alot of these cross necklaces {OBSESSED} 
(shopping// coffee shop// lunch// anywhere - i love this look) 

statement necklaces- if you don't have one GET one or twenty.
sheer blouse - love
dark washed jeans
 & heels - to dress it up.  




jean button up
DARK (!!!!) washed jeans
if you are a male & do not have these simple pieces - please find some. 

 oxfords - a must 
watch & sunglasses
 a wee bit of scruff but lets not get too crazy here- a little goes a long way my friends. 

suspenders & bow tie to dress things up a bit {other MUSTS}
open toed strappy sandals

we are all about the accessories here. 

I see a girl with high waisted shorts nearly everywhere i turn.
if you got em, rock em. 

simple, flowy & flirty skirts {thumbs up} 

oxfords {unisex}

one of my favorites to wear - big comfy sweater 

white summer laced dress

*got all these beautiful pics on pinterest.com*

happy summer 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

the burn out

the burn out: the place where body, mind, and spirit run dry & inspiration goes MIA.

even as I am writing this I feel the consequences of the "burn out." It's a frustrating place to be. I almost feel paralyzed, like something is pushing back as I try to walk onward. I could not say it better than the band, The Rend Collective Experiment, does in such a beautiful way.

I love You Lord
But I want to love You more
I need You God
But I want to need You more

I'm lost without
Your creative spark in me
I'm dead inside
Unless Your resurrection sings

I'm desperate for a desperate heart
I'm reaching out, I'm reaching

All that I am is dry bones
Without You Lord, a desert soul
I am broken but running
Towards You God, You make me whole

You are exactly what we need
Only You can satisfy

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." // Psalm 42:1

praying for y'all this monday.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Stroke of Love

There's this woman. She has a story, as all of us do, but unlike most she boldly set out to write a book about this story of hers. Most certainly not because it was an easy thing to do but because she was called to by the One she follows so wholeheartedly, Jesus. I'm telling you, this book is powerful. A story of the real life struggles of life so rawly exposed & the glorious redemptive workings of a pursuing God.

This woman - is my very own momma bear, Jasmine Alvarez.

A story worth reading, A STROKE OF LOVE, is now published and I could not be more proud. This book has the hand of God all over it.

Click on any of the links below to get your own copy: 

be blessed. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

my friends.


this year was unimaginably difficult - I think it is safe to say we have all had our fair share of struggle bus moments. A lot of hard conversations, reconciliation, and redemption were experienced and I am so grateful for them. I've learned that those things that are so difficult or nerve-racking to do or say, reap the best of harvests...eventually. I've seen it with my own eyes, and its a beautiful process to redemption. This year all of my relationships were being cultivated. Cultivated, as told by my dictionary widget, means to prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening; to break up (soil) in preparation for sowing or planting. BINGO. That's exactly(!!!!!!) what my relationships endured this year. They were being prepared and developed for more fruition and that meant the soil had to me churned and broken up a bit in order to get the best results. Because of this process we all share a deep deep love for one another & that right there is a beautiful sight.

thank you my dear friends.

Reasons why i love them:

1.they love Jesus
2. they are GOOFS
3. #casuallystalking
4. manhunt
5.some of them (one of them) can only drink milk with a straw
6. half of them are from california
7. a jarred octupus resided in one of our rooms
8. we write one another letters.
9. they challenge and allow others to challenge them.
10. two of us crump and one twerks but refuses to admit it.

and on that note, i love y'all so much.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

mother dear.

isn't she one HOT TAMALE?! 
{that's my MOM!!!!} 

Mother Dear 
Momma Bear

the name for her.
the one who displays unconditional love at all times.
the one who picked up the phone every time I called in "sick" from the school's nurse office (this happened often).
The one who dressed me up in dresses and bows everyday.
The one who, without fail, spoke the tender words of "i love you" each and every day and continues to do so.
The one who told me about Jesus.
The one who models Christ in every aspect.
The one who wiped all the tears but also let me struggle through things for my benefit.
The one who taught me how to shave my legs for the first time. 
The one who has never  stopped praying for me since day one.
The one who can do the best impersonations.
The one who makes the best chicken noodle soup my taste buds have ever experienced.
The one who is so incredibly selfless.
The one who encourages.
The one who has done so much without much recognition but carries on anyways.
The one who has some crazy dance moves.
The one who is so giving.
The one who cranked my expander and retainers in elementary school (bless her soul)
The one who loves my AMAZING father.
The one who is passionate about life.
The one who can touch lives with the power of her words.

(I should really write a book because the list goes on & on)

this is my mother // God's fingerprint is so evident in her life.

so blessed by this woman. It is so amazing to see the beautiful journey God has taken her on and continues to take her on.

do yourself a favor, and please watch this. 
we love you momma bears. 

Monday, May 6, 2013


I feel the need to share that God is One that is active. He is actively pursuing, actively working, actively loving, actively extending grace, mercy, and forgiveness. 

open your eyes & see Him work, friends. 

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." // Isaiah 43:19 

happy monday - be blessed.