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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Stroke of Love

There's this woman. She has a story, as all of us do, but unlike most she boldly set out to write a book about this story of hers. Most certainly not because it was an easy thing to do but because she was called to by the One she follows so wholeheartedly, Jesus. I'm telling you, this book is powerful. A story of the real life struggles of life so rawly exposed & the glorious redemptive workings of a pursuing God.

This woman - is my very own momma bear, Jasmine Alvarez.

A story worth reading, A STROKE OF LOVE, is now published and I could not be more proud. This book has the hand of God all over it.

Click on any of the links below to get your own copy: 

be blessed. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

my friends.


this year was unimaginably difficult - I think it is safe to say we have all had our fair share of struggle bus moments. A lot of hard conversations, reconciliation, and redemption were experienced and I am so grateful for them. I've learned that those things that are so difficult or nerve-racking to do or say, reap the best of harvests...eventually. I've seen it with my own eyes, and its a beautiful process to redemption. This year all of my relationships were being cultivated. Cultivated, as told by my dictionary widget, means to prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening; to break up (soil) in preparation for sowing or planting. BINGO. That's exactly(!!!!!!) what my relationships endured this year. They were being prepared and developed for more fruition and that meant the soil had to me churned and broken up a bit in order to get the best results. Because of this process we all share a deep deep love for one another & that right there is a beautiful sight.

thank you my dear friends.

Reasons why i love them:

1.they love Jesus
2. they are GOOFS
3. #casuallystalking
4. manhunt
5.some of them (one of them) can only drink milk with a straw
6. half of them are from california
7. a jarred octupus resided in one of our rooms
8. we write one another letters.
9. they challenge and allow others to challenge them.
10. two of us crump and one twerks but refuses to admit it.

and on that note, i love y'all so much.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

mother dear.

isn't she one HOT TAMALE?! 
{that's my MOM!!!!} 

Mother Dear 
Momma Bear

the name for her.
the one who displays unconditional love at all times.
the one who picked up the phone every time I called in "sick" from the school's nurse office (this happened often).
The one who dressed me up in dresses and bows everyday.
The one who, without fail, spoke the tender words of "i love you" each and every day and continues to do so.
The one who told me about Jesus.
The one who models Christ in every aspect.
The one who wiped all the tears but also let me struggle through things for my benefit.
The one who taught me how to shave my legs for the first time. 
The one who has never  stopped praying for me since day one.
The one who can do the best impersonations.
The one who makes the best chicken noodle soup my taste buds have ever experienced.
The one who is so incredibly selfless.
The one who encourages.
The one who has done so much without much recognition but carries on anyways.
The one who has some crazy dance moves.
The one who is so giving.
The one who cranked my expander and retainers in elementary school (bless her soul)
The one who loves my AMAZING father.
The one who is passionate about life.
The one who can touch lives with the power of her words.

(I should really write a book because the list goes on & on)

this is my mother // God's fingerprint is so evident in her life.

so blessed by this woman. It is so amazing to see the beautiful journey God has taken her on and continues to take her on.

do yourself a favor, and please watch this. 
we love you momma bears. 

Monday, May 6, 2013


I feel the need to share that God is One that is active. He is actively pursuing, actively working, actively loving, actively extending grace, mercy, and forgiveness. 

open your eyes & see Him work, friends. 

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." // Isaiah 43:19 

happy monday - be blessed.