Hide and Seek

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

you will find rest.

Pain & sorrow is a very very real thing.
That reality should never go unnoticed.
For some, these pains & aches are all they know.
For some, these are new wounds
and for others, sorrows are quickly approaching on the horizon.

I've seen so many suffering brothers and sisters. I've sat with them, I've listened to their stories of tragedy and it pains my soul. It is a discomforting reality to experience for oneself and especially to watch someone experiencing it.

I've experienced it & you've experienced it too.
To us all, we are being called:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." | Matthew 11:28-29 

The Almighty God who reigns over all things, is beckoning you to come. Listen, go to Jesus as you are - whatever that is at the moment. He wants you to simply show up and lay all your brokenness, all your burdens, all your anxiousness, and all your mess at his feet. Jesus desires to come alongside you and bear your heaviness and deep sufferings with you. And we are promised to find rest with him.

His gaze is upon you and it will not leave. His love is fixated on you and He is patiently waiting to win your heart and heal your wounds. 

hope & prayers sent to you. 

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