Hide and Seek

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I've started interning for Saddleback Church this summer and though I have lived 15 minutes away from, what is now, my work-place my whole life, I have been immersed into an entirely different pool of people and experiences. As perhaps you have experienced, walking into any new environment can give warrant to some hesitation, timidity, and maybe even fear. For me it was not so much the environment warranting fear and timidity, it was my own self; maybe you have experienced something similar to this. I am remarkably BLESSED to have entered into a warm and joy filled community. 

It is amazing what a change in perspective of yourself and a community of people supporting you could do in order to build up a healthy dose of self-confidence. I have had to learn how to step outside of myself and those lingering thoughts of doubt and timidity and step into a bold confidence in Christ. There is a world of differences between being self confident in your ability and being confident in Christ's ability to do the unimaginable. It is not what we can do but what HE can do in us and through us.
In the words of Christine Caine,

"Jesus came here not to tame us but to make us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. Don't allow life to keep you in a safe box and to conform. Instead, allow God's active Word to give you the parameters of your life." 

In actuality, if we try to limit God, 
•   we are truly only limiting ourselves  
for God is LIMITLESS.