Hide and Seek

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

you shall seek, you shall find me

In life we are constantly seeking.
In whatever we do, we do it all to be found and to be known.
And sometimes most times what we seek, we do not find.
This is a discouraging time because we have been designed to be known and to be understood.
We are made to know our Maker.
This Maker of our being tells us:
"He loves those who love Him, and those who seek Him find Him" (Proverbs 8:17)
no doubt about it.
If you seek, you will surely find.
Not only will you find but you will be known by the One who so purposefully wove you together.
By the one who has plans for you.
But not just any ole plan, BIGGER than LIFE itself plans.
Grand plans and purposes for your life that are unique to your specific passions and gifts.
Plans that can & will change the world if you allow God to do so with your life.

Do you believe that God can CHANGE THE WORLD using YOU?!

It is so easy to view God through this world's lens - limiting Him to human capabilities.

I have f a i t h  that my life is going to help change the world through the glorious workings of Jesus Christ through the willingness of a vessel such as myself.

do you truly believe

believe & be amazed. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

r e l e a s e.

I always seem to expect my life to be one way and because I sometimes put so much hope into those expectations, I am left feeling unsatisfied. It is not until I continue to yield my focus upon God and set my gaze on Him alone, that I am never left disappointed or unsatisfied. Instead, I am always left pleasantly surprised and peaceful. As soon as I loosen my sturdy grip on my plans and the way I see how life should be, I am less stressed and discontent and I start to feel like I am living in the full capacity I was made to live in. To cast my burdens on Christ is the only way I can live fully and freely. It is because of Jesus' love that I am hopeful. I pray that we can be reminded daily of this. I pray this for all of you - to feel Christ love and to live in His hope abundantly. In Him I find my joy through happy times and through painful times. Our Father's plans are beyond our wildest dreams. We get hints of His extraordinary plans by those passions God uniquely weaved into each of our being. Oh, what God will do with one willing heart and soul.

"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth
 to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." 
2 Chronicles 16:9 

IMAGINE what God would do with your complete willingness to hand over your plans, to hand over your life, and your control, and offer it into the Mighty Hands of God.

wow. that would be a moment of impact; a moment of no regret.

May God fill your being with Wonder.

this beauty is my dear dear friend emily
 (one of those rare timeless friends)
she is someone who displays this kind of life
she goes where God is calling her
she lives with no regrets because she is following Him wholeheartedly. 
it was also her 20th birthday this week and I praise the good Lord for blessing the world with her. 
love you, ems. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

a pursuit.

I serve a God who does not give up on vessels of my kind easily, He pursues in the most loving and tender way. He knocks at the guarded doors of my heart, he sings a song of love and pursuit that softens the coldest of hearts, and he whispers sweet words to my inner most being. The Love of Jesus blows me away. Who am I to receive such a perfect love? I can tell you, I am a Child of God who has been given beautiful mercy and grace by an awe-inspiring Father.

I opened his word today. Now, I have surely opened the Word of God many times this summer but today was different because I truly opened His Word in expectation and with a thirsty soul waiting to be poured into. And let me tell ya, from Him came an OUTPOUR of everything my heart and soul could ever desire AND some.

I want to encourage you. Jesus is the definition of patient. He loves you with all He is and He is pursuing y o u. Just listen to that whisper in your heart that won’t go away. Today, ask Jesus to open your ears and heart to His voice. Come to him in expectation for something wonderful and He will surely surpass that expectation, all in His good and perfect timing.

Love you, friends.  

"Before I was born the Lord called me, 
from my birth he has made mention of my name. 
He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, 
in the shadow of his hand he hid me; 
he made me into a polished arrow 
and concealed me in his quiver." 
| Isaiah 49:1-2 |

Sunday, July 7, 2013

a choice.

y o u 
 c h o i c e. 

every single morning, before your feet even touch the ground, you decide what kind of attitude you will approach the day with. Now, it is often not something you think 0.1 seconds on but you do take at least .0001 second thinking about it. That one decision holds great power.

We have all had those days where we mentally prepare ourselves in the morning and try to convince ourselves that today is going to be a good day, by repeating that phrase either thoughtfully or verbally to ourselves and to others, but then as the day's events reveal themselves, our mood starts swaying in the totally opposite direction and all of a sudden it's the WORST day of your life (cue in the violin quartets, right?!). lets be honest, humans L O V E to have pity parties, the more the merrier. and what that does is a whole lot of NOTHIN'.

instead of dwelling on the unfortunate turn of events that can ruin your day and days to come, set your eyes on something greater. Take the magnifying glass out of your hand and see the bigger picture of your life. Don't get stuck in the nasties of the day - there will always be little daily nasties.

don't let life getcha down, people.

how to turn that frown upside down.

1. listen to your favorite 'feel good' song - the one that gives you goosebumps, the one that makes you dance like a crazy fool.
2. talk to Jesus - lay your anxieties at the feet of the Lord // he knows how to handle them better than we could imagine & he is never burdened by our burdens.
3. hang out with a friend even just for just a quick coffee date.
4. exercise // just do it, endorphins are our friends.
5. h u g s.