Hide and Seek

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


we entrust our hearts to different people. 
we hope they keep it locked up safe & sound. 
we will hope until we moap 
we'll wait and wait for the right beholder 
and when we find it, we pray they'll never let us go. 
someone, somewhere.  

we give pieces of our hearts to people-
whether we know them or not
and whether we like it or not 
our hearts are in their hands 
and those we  give it to are like sand,
if they let you down the waves are sure to wipe it all away 

but someone, somewhere 
is holding a piece of your heart 
and someone somewhere is hoping you are holding a piece of theirs. 
so don't let it go. 

let your heart be free in the wind of the unknown
embrace it & dance in the pain, 
knowing he'll come to your rescue soon
someone, somewhere.

Monday, December 3, 2012


i really should be writing my research paper right now.


I JUST sent in my London application, and so writing a research paper just won't work until i get my excitement out. 

AH. (that's really all i can say type) 

I have decided that whatever the outcome, God will show me and lead me to what He desires for me. 
And that is all I ask- to be equipped to do HIS will, not my own.

so we shall see! eeeek.

hoping I can take a picture like this....ah.

*all pictures from pinterest.com* 

Monday, November 26, 2012

creepy santa // monday bliss.

sometimes I think people are way too cool for me.

but then I remember that they are human & then I feel better.

here, look at this scary santa. (literally gives me the creeps.)

 found on pinterest.com 

happy monday everyone. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


this blog post will be all things london. 


because I desire to go SO badly. 

there is an internship program that I found a few months ago that would allow me the great opportunity to work in the ministry over there. 

so here's to my london dreams. 

[wether or not I get the internship, it is still on my bucket list of places to live one day] 


also, here a classy tune by my man Frank. 
'days of wine & roses'

Thursday, November 8, 2012

time to get off that struggle bus.

life is crazy. (see below) 
madness? indeed. 
awesome? you betcha. 

sometimes I come to wall & it is here when I realize just how weak of a being I am.  
'tis a both humbling & beautiful realization. 
I am unsure how people go about life without Jesus as their Savior. 
I cannot last a day without His strength and mercy on my life. 

life is tough. 
Jesus is even tougher. 
He gets me through the thick mud & mire. 

it is never unusual for me to remind myself daily to clasp my heart to God's heart, 
my hand to His hand. 

oh, how blessed I am to be able to serve the Lord in all that I do 
wether it is through my studies (though i need to be reminded of this ALL the time),
my relationships, 
my time, 
or my work.  

(me reminding myself this as i study haha) 

in all things, glorify & honor the Lord.

also, this song is greatness.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

it just takes one.

boy, oh boy. 

tonight was probably the most amazing time of worship i've had yet at Gordon. 

Phil Whickam came to our campus to play a concert. the most beautiful part was not his voice
 (but man does he have a voice on him) 
but it was his heart for God and how he did not play to perform but to simply worship.
 He gave ALL glory to God. 
He didn't even stay for an applause just left the stage as we all were lifting our hands in worship singing "glory to God, glory to God"
he brought all our hearts closer to him through worship tonight. 

God touched so many hearts. 

It amazes me how God has a calling for each of our lives and to see someone living out his calling gives me much joy. 

it only takes one human devoted to glorify our God. just one. 

really listen to the words. it moves. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

and jump.

transition seems to be a theme in my life-both beautiful & frightening all at once. 

heard someone give their best advice and that was: 

"you are always ready, and never ready-all at the same time"

(lightbulb moment!) 

so much truth in that one statement.

we are never gonna be ready for anything. 

sometimes we are just gonna have to jump in with both feet and not look back. 

This is what we are called to do. 

how else are we gonna make a difference in this world?

you never know until you try, right? yep. 

happy seasonal transition. 

(warm tea, fuzzy socks, blankets, movies, cookies, rain, leaves.) 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

today is beautiful.

well will ya look at them apples. 

these bunch of lovelies went apple pickin' this morn. 

what a grand kick off to fall. [apple cider season] 

today was beautiful.