Hide and Seek

Sunday, September 22, 2013

| c o n t e n t m e n t |

This year is a strange one - not in a bad way, just in a unique way. 

Each day he is teaching me & sometimes most times I fail but I am learning that what God cares about the most is that we are willing to follow him and to learn from him even if we do fail. He loves us still. 
His love is steadfast for us - unchanging and unwavering. 

This summer, God revealed to me so much about myself and what it means to have a steadfast heart for Christ. I am learning what it means to give up ALL control and when I say "all" i mean ALL. It's kind of crazy how God works sometimes, I am still unsure as to what he is doing in my life but i see that it is good. 

| be okay with the stillness because it possesses much beauty |