Hide and Seek

Friday, January 31, 2014

So, this one time....

So, this one time in Barnes & Noble, with their many escalators and people sprawled out on the floor reading their favorite books quietly and in peace, I just really needed {“!!!!!”} to get to Starbucks on the third floor so you could say my mind was in the clouds (we’ll go with that). 
I was on a mission – GET TO THE THIRD FLOOR.
I stepped onto the first escalator I saw with a smile on my face because soon I would be united with coffee; however, something odd was happening.
I was battling to get to the top of this escalator.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have been trained to know that escalators were created to get me from bottom to top or vice versa with grace and ease.
I know how to ride an escalator, pshhht.

I was trying to process what was happening and at this point I’m RUNNING (yes, running) up the escalator, confused out of my mind! I look behind me and I see my little sister just laughing her head off, I even asked her, “Julia, what are you doing, aren’t you coming? Hurry.” And THAT’s when I realized that it was I who was the fool.
You see, I am a diehard fan of the Stairmaster at the gym and so going up "down” moving stairs seemed somewhat natural but the context could NOT have been more different. At this point, I had to humbly stop fighting that blasted machine and instead ride the escalator down the direction it was intended for, like a civilized woman. Julia and I were laughing for HOURS; I completely humiliated myself, but took joy in my coffee and the fact that people now had a funny story to tell their friends about this chick who________ (fill in the blank)_____.

It wasn’t until weeks later when I giggly remembered this happening of mine, that God revealed something so marvelous to me.
In essence this is what I heard,
“Stop fighting the direction in which I have intended for you.”

Am I alone in this? Am I the only one who (sometimes) unknowingly wrestles with the will of God? Am I the only one who gets so caught up in the destination (in this case, coffee --- s h o c k e r) that I try to get there too hastily?

Don’t loose you’re head.
 Keep close to our Lord, daily; not just weekly, not just annually, but daily.

BUT, DO find peace in knowing that if you lose your way, our Lord will be there waiting, watching, loving, and welcoming you into His warm embrace, ready to laugh with you in the days to come.

Leave it up to the Almighty to use my embarrassment as yet another insightful experience for me. 


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