Hide and Seek

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

days like these.

thick fog in the twilight of the morning & then the brilliancy of the sun permeating through and through until, ALAS, a ray of sunshine settles on thy face. 

this is what I have been waiting so long for {i never thought i would say that} 

why? cause I never needed to. warm sun rays would hit me daily. Actually, as a native californian, i would sing songs of praise when the sun wasn't out [ I know, what was I THINKING?]. When rain came for a visit, I rejoiced because that meant comfy clothes and snugglies {no, not snuggies...snugglies // like a warm embrace and cuddles}. 

But then, I found myself snuggled away in massachusetts{massachusetts!!!}, where the sun rays were deceptive and where bitter cold wind & rain were regulars.  It was those below zero winter days that made me question, multiple times, why the heck I was here. Rather, HOW THE HECK DID I GET HERE?! 

But then I experience days such as today. Where life is bliss & for no particular reason. 
Where I notice simple things that if I were to have stayed in california, I would have taken for granted or walked right by. 

Things such as flowers. I like looking at them. I love to water them, to watch them bloom, to nurture them, and most importantly to smell them. I didn't know that about myself.

Yes, it took me to live across the country, to realize that the cheesy phrase, "stop and smell the roses"really ain't so cheesy or cliche after all. It's an exquisitely beautiful phrase and piece of wisdom. 

Yes, it took moving across the country to the bitter cold to appreciate the warm touch of the sun hitting my skin. 

Yes, it took settling across the country to truly experience the wonderful snugglies and terrifying bites of the wind, each beautiful in their own unique way. 

It's days like this, that make me halt and see the wonderful workings of God in my life, in creation, in others & this world. 

it's pretty stinking fantasmical. 

so blessed, y'all. so blessed. 

(pic from pinterest.com) 

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